Thursday, May 16, 2013

Summer Math Groups

This summer, Wise Owl will offer week-long intensives to small groups of 3 to teach strategies for Math computations.  Working in small groups will allow the students to receive frequent individual feedback and participation.  The instruction will present aspects of Making Math Real by David Berg to teach multiplication and division facts.  This program presents information in a structured, simultaneous multisensory format with a visual reference style for faster recall and retentionOne of the things we find most effective about this approach is the way that it shows students the connections between multiplication and division facts, and then relates this to fractions.  It is a comprehensive approach that student's find very successful and rewarding.

For addition/subtraction based groups, instruction will utilize Touch Math, a system that allows students to count the facts that they don't have memorized more efficiently than using their fingers.  Memory of facts will focus on doubles (and related facts), combinations of 10, and strategies for adding/subtracting with 9.  

Instruction for all groups will go at a pace that is reasonable for the group.  So, although a plan for the work to be covered is identified, there may be additional or less information covered depending on the successful acquisition of skills by the students.  

See flyer below for more information on Math Camps:

Math Camps at Wise Owl Learning!
 This summer, week-long math camps to improve fact recall, fluency, and calculation strategies will be offered.  For the advanced math camps, correlation of multiplication and division facts to fractions will also be included.
Groups will be limited to 3 students, so please sign up early. 
Group 1:  Addition and Subtraction Strategies to improve memory of facts and fluency of calculations.  Recommended for entering 2nd or 3rd graders.
June 24, 25, 26, 27    8:30-10:00               $190
July 16, 17, 18, 19       3:00-4:30               $190
Group 2:  Introduction to multiplication and division facts.  Fact mastery and strategies for recall will be covered to improve fluency.  Recommended for entering 4th or 5th graders. 
June 24, 25, 26, 27       2:00-3:30              $190
July 22, 23, 24, 25         8:30-10:00            $190
Group 3:  Advanced multiplication and division.  Fact mastery and strategies for recall will be covered, as well as explanation of how to use this information to assist with fraction calculations.  Recommended for students 6th grade or older.
June 24, 25, 26,  4:00-5:30  & June 28   9-10:30     $190
July 22, 23, 24, 25         3:30-5:00              $190

To register, please email Kori Morehouse and indicate Group 1, 2, or 3 and June or July session.  Deposits ($50, non-refundable) will be required. 

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